ion Ventures and World Energy Council
Innovation Insights Brief – Energy Storage
23rd January 2020 – London
Following the 24th World Energy Congress in September 2019, the World Energy Council has published their Innovation Insights Brief on Energy Storage. Having conducted interviews with leaders in Energy Storage from around the world, specifically to ascertain the current state of play for this key 'game-changer' for energy systems, this briefing explores the positive progress to date and potential future limitations being hard coded in now, as a result of the dominance of lithium-ion batteries.
Hassen Bali of ion Ventures contributed to this comprehensive report, focussing on the varying roles energy storage is currently fulfilling in our transitioning energy system and, moreover, what the potential roles and technology characteristics will be in order to comprehensively support a flexible, decentralised and decarbonised energy future.
The full briefing can be found here: